

每个宿舍都是一个有自己家人的家. Dorm parents work hard to build a sense of community and to make each student feel as safe, 照顾, 就像他们在自己家里一样快乐. The 教师 who live in the dorms are mom and dad, teacher and advocate, all rolled into one. 他们帮助学生做作业, 在自习室结束后一起看一个喜欢的电视节目, 或者边吃零食边聊生活.

Students are part of an extended family that works and plays together, because they are living with the dorm parents as well as with the rest of the 教师 who live on campus with their spouses and children.

Watch the video below to see how boarding and day students connect organically and easily at 韦德娱乐app下载地址. 然后,向下滚动以了解更多关于住宅生活的信息.


索莱伯里学校位于巴克斯县, PA enables us to visit many of the attractions of the northeast while enjoying the quiet, 安全, 还有一个140英亩的乡村校园. We're an hour from Philadelphia and the New Jersey beaches and an hour and a half from New York City and the Pocono Mountains. Our immediate area boasts wonderful outdoor activity options as well as the malls and multiplexes students love just a short van ride away.

“当你在这里的时候,你会觉得像在家里一样. 我喜欢索莱伯里的这一点.——19岁的萨沙


Solebury's 100 boarding students thrive in the structure that boarding life provides. 夜间自习室, 活动, and lights out to ensure a good night's sleep all contribute to an environment where students can develop the discipline and the habits that lead to long term success. The most significant part of the boarding experience for students is the lifelong friendships they form with one another. 他们共同度过的时光的回忆, 他们一起成熟,一起成长, 会是他们永远珍惜的东西吗.

Solebury has several dormitories ranging from larger dorms to smaller house-like dorms. 每间客房都设有一个完整的厨房, WIFI上网, 洗衣设施, and plenty of space for boarders to work and enjoy their free time. 一半以上的教员住在校园里. 所有的老师, 尤其是宿舍的家长, are there for students at every turn—to offer extra help with that history paper, 在外面扔棒球, 花一个下午烤饼干, 或者开着一车孩子去远足, 或者去看电影, 当地苹果园, 或者去纽约玩一天.



When Solebury was founded, students and teachers had their meals together. Tables are still shared by boarding and day students, 教师, and their families in the 赫伯特年代. 博伊德餐厅. 这里有四位出色的厨师, the dining hall offers a full breakfast every weekday—eggs made to order, 煎饼, 燕麦片——周末吃一顿更丰盛的早午餐. 午餐和晚餐包括自制汤, 全套沙拉吧, 还有各种素食和非素食的选择. Fruit, snacks, and hot and cold drinks are available throughout the day. If there’s something students would like to see on the menu, they can simply ask the chefs. 查看示例菜单.



周末 are a time for boarding and day students to form connections with one another and with the 教师, 去体验新事物, 并留下永恒的回忆. 每个人都有自己的选择, 包括去附近的纽约或费城的旅行, 上涨, 晚上篝火, 或者一个班级的学习小组. 



Boarders Bonding (B2)

每周三晚餐和自习室之间, 所有寄宿生都有一个强制性的项目,叫做寄宿生邦迪ng (B²). Students bond with their dormmates and the entire boarding community through games, 讨论, 和事件. 监考员和社会主席帮助指导节目安排. 


在我们这个紧密相连的社区里, 学生有以多种方式表达自己的自由. 和其他社区一样, there is an inherent responsibility within this right of expression to be conscious of and respect others. 索伯里没有着装要求. We expect each student to be responsible regarding their selection of clothing at school, 在学校活动期间, 在食堂吃饭.


A three person nursing 工作人员 who are available from 7:30am to 10:30pm seven days a week. Our expanded health facilities provide office space for our nurses, 检查室, 还有六个单独的隔离和/或检疫空间.