
体育和活动是学校生活不可缺少的一部分. 索伯里学校为个人和团体体验提供了广泛的选择和机会, all designed to foster the 开发ment of lifelong skills and interests. 在下面查看它们.

Participation in a physical activity is required during at least two of the three trimesters. 为那些有爱的人 团队运动, 我们的学生享有一个大学校无法提供的明显优势——参加校队的机会. At larger schools, less experienced players often don't get to play at a varsity level. 索利伯里是宾夕法尼亚-泽西体育联盟和宾夕法尼亚独立学校体育协会的成员。. Most of our teams compete for a league championship each season, 而一些球队有独立的赛程. Each year, we have athletes who continue on to play sports in college.

Those who do not enjoy 团队运动 can choose from indoor and outdoor rock climbing, 健身和重量训练, 瑜伽, 和更多的. 我们还可以与学生合作,为我们目前不提供的活动组织独立的活动. Recent examples of independent activities include skating, swimming, and gymnastics.

三个孕期中的一个, 学生可以选择一项非体育活动, 比如戏剧, 辩论, 文学杂志, 年鉴, 和更多的.

Students are required to participate in a supervised after-school activity or interscholastic team sport each trimester; activities meet Mondays, 星期二, 和周四, while 运动 teams meet daily and may have weekend practices and games. 除非另有说明,体育和活动都是男女混合的. 由于学生的兴趣和工作人员和设施的可用性,课程可能会增加或取消.
