Sustainability Week 2021
韦德娱乐app下载地址学校和学生管理的韦德娱乐app下载地址环境行动俱乐部(SEAC)旨在通过确保所有与可持续发展相关的举措都是通过协调努力来实现的,从而使可持续发展成为韦德娱乐app下载地址体验的一个组成部分. 可持续发展周的目标是教育社区如何正确回收, introduce the community to terracycle, 从食堂引进可生物降解的容器进行堆肥, 用各种各样的演讲者和演讲来激励社区.
Tuesday April 6
Danni Washington is an ocean advocate, TV host, science communicator, and host of The Genius Generation, a podcast focused on young people behind incredible invention, entrepreneurial pursuit, and discovery using science. 她分享说,海洋是她在迈阿密长大的生活中很重要的一部分,多年来目睹海洋健康状况的迅速下降,促使她热衷于通过科学传播扩大每个人都可以采取的简单行动,以保护我们美丽的星球. 丹妮向学生们解释了什么是科学传播者,以及如何成为一名科学传播者. 她还强调,在考虑如何帮助应对气候变化时,要从全球角度考虑,从地方角度行动.
Bea Becette ’12 讨论了她在可持续发展方面的工作,她的职业道路,以及在国家地理的实习机会. She is a writer/producer at NatGeo and the host of Kids vs Plastic, a kids series about plastic-free craft solutions. She has also developed a new YouTube channel, SmartiB,它使用当今的热门歌曲来教孩子们了解他们周围的世界! 她强调,参与可持续发展工作的方式有很多.
Wednesday April 7
NPR journalist and former SEAC president Cooper McKim '12 讨论了为地方和全国观众报道环境问题所需要的技巧. He 在怀俄明州公共广播电台报道能源和自然资源,也是美国国家公共电台能源和环境团队的一员. Cooper recently launched a podcast, Carbon Valley which follows the race to develop an unlikely climate solution.
Bradley Gay is a project manager at Metcalfe Architecture & 设计和全国最重要的被动房屋建筑专家之一. Bradley directs projects of every scale, 从住宅改造到大学教室和学生住房项目,包括维拉诺瓦大学的兰开斯特住房开发项目, the LeBow School of Business at Drexel University, and the Northwest Campus Student Housing at UCLA. 他解释了被动式房屋是如何建造的以及它们的好处, 被动式房屋的设计和建造都是非常节能的.
Thursday April 8
Ezra Thrush is the senior director of government affairs at PennFuture, 他在哪里领导组织的政策倡议,并管理所有立法和行政部门的关系. 他还担任PennFuture的首席说客和政策立场的外部声音, strategy, and relationships with decision makers. Ezra has worked extensively on state and federal issues, including storm water management, clean water funding, agriculture, forest retention, the Farm Bill, climate change, and water infrastructure. Ezra was joined by Katie Blume who is the Political Director for Conservation Voters of PA. 20多年来,她一直是许多社会正义问题的组织者和倡导者, including electoral politics and environmental issues. 他们一起讨论了环保说客的角色,并分享了如果你对这条道路感兴趣,实习是一个很好的入门方式, but there are also many volunteer opportunities to explore.
Friday April 9
Keziah Groth-Tuft '13 presented environmental (in)justice/environmental racism. She highlighted some current environmental justice lawsuits, pointing to two case studies: Cancer Alley, Louisiana, and Uniontown, Tennessee. 她目前在特拉华河流守护者网络实习,是一位研究环境正义工作的教授的研究助理.